- Ažurirano dana:
- 4 veljače, 2025
Property Description
Zemljište, građevinsko, 77.985m2 na kojem je, prema prostornom planu uređenja grada, dozvoljena izgradnja pogona za skladištenje nafte i naftnih derivata te ostalih proizvodnih djelatnosti. Nalazi se 35 kilometara od Zagreba, u jugoistočnom dijelu Ivanić Grada, 8km od naplatnih kućica u Ivanić Gradu, odnosno 9km od naplatnih kućica u Križu (istočno). Na čvorištu je cesta koje spajaju istok, sjever i zapad Hrvatske. Izvrsnost prometne komunikacije, uz navedeno, je željeznički pravac Zagreb – istok Europe, sa kojeg se odvaja industrijski željeznički odvojak koji prolazi sredinom zemljišta. Na samom zemljištu postoji cjelokupna infrastruktura (plin, struja, voda) te dva asfaltirana pristupa s glavne ceste.
Building land 77 985 m2 on which it is allowed construction of operation project for storage of petroleum (oil) and oil derivates (petroleum products) and others productive activities. It is situated 35 km from Zagreb, in south-east part of Ivanic Grad, 8km from tollbooth in Ivanic Grad, that is 9 km from tollboth in Kriz (east). It is in the middle of the roads which are connecting east, north and west of Croatia. Excellence of transportation connections in addition to is train direction Zagreb-east of Europe (East Europe), from which industrial train branch (section) is divided which passes throw the middle of land. On the land exist the whole infrastructure (gas, electricity, water) and two asphalted accesses from the main road.
Baugrundstück 77 985 m2 der aus dem Bebauungsplan der Stadt ergeht, ist es erlaubt zur Erstellung einer Halle zur Lagerung für Diesel und ähnliches andere Herstellern. Das Grundstück ist 35 km von Zagreb entfernt, südlich von Ivanic Grad, 8 km von der Mautzahlstelle zu Ivanic Grad, oder 9 km von Mautzahlstelle zur Kriz (Osten) oder Straßenknoten verbindet Osten Norden und Westen Croatien. In der nähe befindet sich Zugverbindung nach Zagreb Osten Europas. Über dem Grundstück verlaufen Bahnschienen zu der Industriezone. Auf dem Grundstück befindet sich die komplette Infrastrukturen (Gass, Wasser, Strom). Und zwei asphaltierte Zufahrten.